The Good and Poor Choices Made By Ulysses In the lie The Odyssey, the god Neptune is angry with Ulysses because he did non honor Neptune afterward his victory. Neptune in turn, cursed Ulysses and was not going to let him sideboard hearthstone after the Trojan war. Because of this curse, Ulysses had some(prenominal) adventures two small-arm at ocean and when he finally arrived home. Ulysses had to make many choices during these adventures, some were skilful and some were silly. Through these choices, we see Ulysses was up to(p) to learn from what he had done and develop into the hero we agnise him as today. When Ulysses and his mob arrived on the island of Aeoli, we see Ulysses make both good and poor choices. We find that Ulysses has learned how to become a good guest. all the same though Ulysses and his clustering are ardent to make their counsel home, he does not insult Aeolus and endeavour to rush take to continue his journey. As Ulysses said Ae olus entertained me for a safe and sound month asking me questions all the sequence close to Troy, the Argive fleet, and the return of the Achaeans. I told him exactly how everything had happened, and when I said I must go, and asked him to further me on my way, he made no sort of difficulty, but set about doing so at once. (Homer 40). Aeolus was the captain over all the winds and gave Ulysses a sack level(p) tight with a flatware thread.

Aeolus had stupefy all the winds unpack the west wind into the sack. This way Ulysses and could no longer be blown off course. When Ulysses brought the sack onto the ship, he said nix to his crew about the contents. Ulysses steered t! he ship for 9 days and nightspot nights until Ithaca was on the horizon. Ulysses decides to take a batch and his crew gravel to talk. As Ulysses stated On this the custody fell to talk among themselves, and said I was bringing certify gold and silver in the sack that Aeolus had given me. (Homer 40). Because Ulysses did not tell his crew what was in the sack, they opened it and the ships were blown mainstay to the island of Aeoli....If you want to dispirit a full essay, order it on our website:
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